A great horned owl peers out from its hiding place. (© Tony's Takes)
A great horned owl peers out from its hiding place. (© Tony’s Takes)

That is what I said to myself last Friday during my after work walk. It just seemed like the right place for one.

I was stopping every 10 feet or so, scanning the dense trees and bushes each time. After a while, I uttered those words, turned to my right and there it was, not 15 feet away and staring me right in the face. I’m not sure who was more surprised, me or the owl!

I was far closer than what I like to be as I don’t like to upset the critters so I started backpedaling. As I did, I snapped a few pics of my new hidden friend and he took flight, giving me some decent flight shots. The owl then was kind enough to perch out in the open, giving me a few more captures.

Not wanting to startle it again, I left it there, happy for the chance, surprise encounter. I do suspect there is a nest somewhere in that spot but I will be darned if I can find it.

“I know there is an owl in here somewhere!”
A great horned owl performs a flyby in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A great horned owl keeping watch. (© Tony's Takes)
A great horned owl keeping watch. (© Tony’s Takes)

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