Bald eagle sounds the alert!
Bald eagles are pretty social raptors and normally relatively tolerant of others. That is, except when it is nesting season. When they have young, they are relentless and vicious in…
Bald eagles are pretty social raptors and normally relatively tolerant of others. That is, except when it is nesting season. When they have young, they are relentless and vicious in…
When you are out carousing all night, you spend your day sleeping and trying to recover. No doubt that is what this owl was doing and it found a perfect…
Now that is a huge wingspan! Over the last month or two I have been fortunate enough to see a few golden eagles. Unfortunately, all have been under less than…
Somehow I think he would fair worse with this bison bull than taking on that little bird! :-D I had a ton of fun watching this coyote as it patrolled…
A bit of a powerful, sad image for Moose Monday. Taken last August in the burn area of the East Troublesome Fire. The late-season blaze started on October 14, 2020…
A fantastic photo outing this morning and one of the highlights was certainly seeing the first burrowing owl of the season. It was a loner but definitely a sign of…