Swainson’s Hawk landing sequence
One of the reason’s I love these raptors is that they are quite tolerant of people and allow you to get some great pictures. This particular female was with her…
One of the reason’s I love these raptors is that they are quite tolerant of people and allow you to get some great pictures. This particular female was with her…
I captured this image of this fabulous three year old this past Sunday in an area near Denver International Airport. While I love the image, I am equally fascinated about…
I captured this pic of an American White Pelican on its way to a water landing in a nearby pond last week. My wife is absolutely fascinated with these birds…
A male Bald Eagle appears to be letting it be known he doesn’t care for paparazzi. In truth he just happened to be looking at me when he yawned, clearly…
I share these images not because of their quality (it certainly is not great) but rather because of the subject matter. While out patrolling familiar photo grounds northeast of Denver yesterday,…
A very crowded house. Well, not a house but a nest, and it sure is running out of room. Four Great Horned Owl owlets are squeezed into this nest and…