Train rides into the storm
The last few days have brought the first, real springtime thunderstorms to the Denver area and that has me thinking about storm chasing, something I hope to do in the…
The last few days have brought the first, real springtime thunderstorms to the Denver area and that has me thinking about storm chasing, something I hope to do in the…
A Burrowing Owl and Prairie Dog keep watch on a pair of Swainson's Hawks that were casing their neighborhood. I was taking pictures of these two today when all of…
It had been almost four weeks since I have been able to capture any quality pics of my favorite subject. Thankfully yesterday this handsome guy ended the drought. I was…
A Great Blue Heron stands in an irrigation ditch as the early morning sun reflects its shadow. I was driving a rural road that I frequently go on looking for…
Take one cool looking raptor and throw in our gorgeous, deep blue Colorado skies and just a hint of a whispy cloud and this is what you get. This male…
It's Freedom Friday! An adult Bald Eagle circles around for another run at a pond full of fish as a juvenile passes. Taken on February 7, 2015, this was one…