Tony’s top 50 pics of 2024
I’ve been privileged to photograph some pretty danged cool stuff over the past 12 months. This video showcases my personal ‘top 50’ of the year. Most of these you have…
I’ve been privileged to photograph some pretty danged cool stuff over the past 12 months. This video showcases my personal ‘top 50’ of the year. Most of these you have…
From my most recent visit to my local great horned owls. My friend and I were able to find them both but only one was in a spot that allowed…
A nice show from this handsome fellow a couple of weeks ago. Normally I find these falcons perched on wires which make for a less than ideal image. On this…
Previously I shared a wider shot of this awesome buck with a double-beam antler. Here is a closer look at this handsome fellow. On this morning last month, he was…
Yes, finally, the bald eagle is our national bird. More than 242 years ago it was designated our national emblem and now it has the added honor. It is somewhat…
Kind of a fun, unusual encounter from this past weekend. Driving through St. Vrain State Park, I notice something out on the thin ice of one of the ponds. Looking…