Osprey poised for splashdown
A month or so ago I shared an image of an osprey making one of their infamous dives into the water for fish. This is the next image in the…
A month or so ago I shared an image of an osprey making one of their infamous dives into the water for fish. This is the next image in the…
When you are as small as an American pika, you are most often looking up at things. No doubt, when the opportunity presents itself, it is nice for them to…
There was a day when I wished I had the flowing hair of this beautiful creature – or its namesake. :-D This mountain goat struck a perfect pose and you…
Quite the looker! This pretty lady bear took a break from grazing and babysitting her two cubs to give me a nice, head on look. As you can see, she…
Oh yummy! Beetle for breakfast! Thankfully it was for the owlets and not for me. ;-) Taken a couple of weeks ago, taking care of the six owlets at this…
Yeah, I might have been intimidated as this massive beast ambled down the hill toward us but instead I couldn’t help but chuckle. Perhaps he had a bit of a…