Snowy Owl gives a big, big yawn
Here's one for Snowy Owl Sunday and an image I haven't shared before. Taken late last year out on the northeastern plains of Colorado. At that time, a few of…
Here's one for Snowy Owl Sunday and an image I haven't shared before. Taken late last year out on the northeastern plains of Colorado. At that time, a few of…
I had to go to Cheyenne for work this week and had hoped to see some of these speed demons. I did indeed, dozens in fact on the way up…
Bringing home the hay for Freedom Friday. I arrived at my local Bald Eagle nest to find no home two weekends ago. This was very concerning as the female had…
Red-tailed Hawks are quite common but not the ones of this variety. I have seen this particular one hanging out along a back-country road northeast of my home a few…
Two male Northern Flickers settle their differences with an all out battle. This was actually a pretty darned crazy scene to witness. One landed on a nearby log, then the…
I figured I would be seeing these cool raptors any day now as they return from their winter homes along the Gulf Coast and South America. Sunday proved to be…