“You don’t have time to thaw me out before dinner so just forget about it!”
Hopefully you pulled your turkey out in time and get it cooked to the proper temperature. ?Thankfully for this lady, she is safe – for this year. I wish all…
Hopefully you pulled your turkey out in time and get it cooked to the proper temperature. ?Thankfully for this lady, she is safe – for this year. I wish all…
I mentioned previously that I have had some good luck with coyotes lately and this was one example. Taken earlier this month when the Colorado Front Range finally received its…
Ferruginous hawks are some of my favorite buteos but the dark morph variety, well, they are just a bit more special than the more common plumage type. When at rest,…
Holy moly! Check out this dude! He is quite a celebrity at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge but I had not had much luck getting good captures of…
This gorgeous eagle seemed a bit taken aback that it had been chosen for the honor. It, however, was clearly worthy. My friend and I happened across it as it…
Jumping back to last month and the awesome visit I had with this handsome fellow. He had just caught a meal, one which I suspect he was hoping to share…