I’m ignoring you!
A juvenile Bald Eagle seemed less than thrilled that a young Red Tailed Hawk joined him on his perch yesterday. The hawk soon headed off, apparently getting the idea of…
A juvenile Bald Eagle seemed less than thrilled that a young Red Tailed Hawk joined him on his perch yesterday. The hawk soon headed off, apparently getting the idea of…
I’ve posted pictures of this particular young eagle before but no flight shots. Saturday finally gave me the opportunity to snap a very nice one just after it launched itself…
Taken in Waterton Canyon, Colorado back in October. Not old enough to do battle with the big boys, this pair of young rams was testing their mettle against each other…
Well, after my Broncos lost today, I am looking for some peace of mind. Maybe looking at little bird pictures will cheer me up. Nah. Probably not. :-(
This female American Kestrel was quite patient but also quite on alert as I snapped pictures of her northeast of Denver, Colorado yesterday. These little falcons are normally quite skittish…
I was very happy to come across this majestic example just a few miles from my house. Funny story... It was perched right over a walking path where a number…