I think the City and County of Denver Government must be conspiring against me. I rarely venture downtown and it had been a few years since I photographed this gorgeous display so I gave it an attempt, twice in seven days, and twice I swear I was conspired against.
The first time, the lights were broken – just dark – no shots to be had. Thursday, I gave it another try and some rocket scientist decided to park three semi-trailers on Bannock Street in front of the building! The white monstrosities prevented getting a full view of the display, the view everyone goes down there to see.
I suspect the trailers were put there to pick up the Christmas decorations but, come on, move them in the day you are doing the job and don’t block the view before! Sigh.
Anyway, I did my best to get what I could without the dumb trailers in the way. On the plus side, my wife and I made two fantastic date nights out of it and the most important part was spending time with her, my best friend.