Not the usual type of creature I photograph. ?
When in Grand Teton National Park recently, we took a drive south, through the park, then circled around toward Jackson. I had told my wife about Mama Mimi and she made it clear that was going to be a must-stop for us. Wisely, I did not argue.
Mama Mimi is one of dozens of huge, wooden trolls Danish artist Thomas Dambo has created across the globe. Repurposed wood pallets make up the bulk of Mama Mimi’s construction. She is placed in a beautiful little park, overlooking a pond, and makes for a fun visit if you are ever in the area.
Funny side story… As my wife and I were checking her out, we were taking the obligatory selfie with her. I held my phone up to take some shots of us and stopped as I saw motion on the other side of the pond. Out came a beautiful cow moose that swam across the lake right by us. Unfortunately, I didn’t have my big lens with me so didn’t get good pics of her but it made the stop that much more fun.