Scenes from Venice, Italy

Scenes from Venice, Italy
Starburst over St Mark’s Basilica. (© Tony’s Takes)

The city of canals lived up to its reputation. We found it to be entirely enchanting, unique and beautiful. While there, we certainly saw all the usual, required tourist spots but also did our best to stay a bit off the beaten path. There was so much to see and do here, we wished we had more time.

A gondola in the canals of Venice. (© Tony's Takes)
A gondola in the canals of Venice. (© Tony’s Takes)
The Rialto bridge. (© Tony's Takes)
The Rialto bridge. (© Tony’s Takes)
On a gondola ride in Venice. (© Tony's Takes)
On a gondola ride in Venice. (© Tony’s Takes)
The Bridge of Sighs. (© Tony's Takes)
The Bridge of Sighs. (© Tony’s Takes)
Venetian justice was not blind and was very swift. (© Tony's Takes)
Venetian justice was not blind and was very swift. (© Tony’s Takes)
Church of San Giorgio Maggiore. (© Tony's Takes)
Church of San Giorgio Maggiore. (© Tony’s Takes)
Evening on the Grand Canal. (© Tony's Takes)
Evening on the Grand Canal. (© Tony’s Takes)
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