Mother Nature didn’t do me any favors this morning in my attempt to capture the lunar eclipse. I got up earlier than normal and headed out toward work, figuring I would find a spot along the way to get some pics of the celestial event. Unfortunately, every place I tried along the way had clouds.
I arrived at work early, figuring I would just use the time to catch up on some things and as I got out of my truck, there it was! Unfortunately, there was a thin bit of cirrus clouds so I just could not get a fully sharp capture like what I wanted. However, this 1920s smokestack (undergoing renovation as you can tell) provided some additional interest and didn’t require a huge crop.
As the eclipse was already past maximum, I had very little time to play around with compositions, finally realizing that a bit of a move to one side would put the moon right over the smokestack. Not too bad in the end I reckon.