“And stay away!”
An elk bull bugles toward his harem in the Moraine Park area of Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

Having just chased off a competitor, this elk bull ensured that the interloper and any others knew the harem below was his.

Taken at the end of September at the height of the elk rut. I heard the bugling from my campsite so grabbed my camera and raced over the hill. As I crested it, I see two, big bulls coming up the hill right toward me. The lead guy was clearly fleeing, not wanting to challenge this massive specimen.

I quickly maneuvered my way around the hill, keeping a safe distance from them but trying to stay in position to get pics. With the situation stabilized, the big guy turned back to his harem at the bottom of the hill and let loose with a very loud bellow undoubtedly heard across the entire valley.

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