Such impressive creatures and I think a panoramic crop of this handsome fellow coming straight at you does a nice job of showcasing its six plus foot wide wingspan.
Taken back in April, this image is of the male at my local nest, being grumpy as he almost always is. He did not care for strangers and anyone coming even remotely near his home could be guaranteed a flyby while he checked them out and let them know they were not welcome.
As the spring and summer wore on though, he became far more used to the traffic in the area (there is a regional bike trail nearby). He and his mate successfully raised one young one this year.
I haven’t seen them in a couple of months which isn’t unusual as they spread out after their young fledges. I do hope they return this winter / spring and make their home in the same spot.
Bald eagles have been a spiritual symbol of Native Americans for hundreds of years. There were variations between tribes as to the eagles’ symbolism but for most it generally represented bravery, wisdom, strength and courage. It was believed that the eagles carried prayers to the Great Spirit.