I heard about this very unique opportunity early last week and paid the site a visit right away. That however was in the afternoon and light was horrible so my pics were disappointing.
Yesterday I went back in the morning under better conditions and soon found myself hot and frustrated. The Barn Owl owlets were simply not wanting to come out, choosing instead to stay hunkered down in the next inside a tree cavity.
I waited for almost two hours as temperatures rose then finally, one emerged. The little one ended up putting on quite a show for a half hour or so, climbing in and out of the nest a few times, stopping to pose in between each time.
This sequence shows the owlet as it climbed out the first time.
Barn Owls are notoriously shy and secretive, very rarely placing a nest within easy viewing of human eyes. This one however is at a Colorado state park not far from my house and very visible from a walking path. Such a huge treat to be able to see them and I will certainly be trying to get back before the young ones fledge.