Beautiful bald eagle leaps into action

Beautiful bald eagle leaps into action
A beautiful bald eagle leaps into the air head on. (© Tony’s Takes)

Oh my! Sometimes you just have ‘one of those days’ – in a good way. Such was the case this past Sunday when I had what was probably one of my best bald eagle days ever.

There were an extraordinary number of eagles at this spot and while most were well out of reach, enough hung out close to keep me shooting almost non-stop for three hours. I shot nearly 1,400 pictures which, even after I came home and culled out the poor ones, yielded hundreds of keepers.

One particular pair of eagles provided most of the action and here is the female of that pair. She was absolutely extraordinary – very tall and slender, a pure white head and probably one of the best looking eagles I have ever photographed. Just gorgeous!

This is one shot of a single sequence of 30 or so images I took of her launching and flying by. I really liked the unique wing position, the look at those monstrous feet and talons and, of course, that gorgeous head and focused look. Love it!

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