What a poser! This handsome fellow looked fantastic yesterday at 14,000 feet and is very worthy my pic for #MountainGoatMonday.
The road to the top of Mount Evans will be closed after today so I knew if I wanted to see the mountain goats before next spring, it had to be now. My destination was set and I was greeted with some pretty nice weather given the altitude. At 40 degrees it was chilly but the wind was actually not that bad, a rarity up there.
Not truly goats, these handsome creatures are found from Alaska down to the Rocky Mountains of the United States. Found at high altitudes, they are sure-footed climbers and built to withstand the alpine areas that they typically inhabit.
Mountain goats are actually not native to the Centennial State. They were brought here over six transplant operations from 1948 to 1972 as game animals and as tourist attractions. Those 50 or so mountain goats grew to numbers in the thousands today.