With the Denver area set to get pummeled by a significant storm tonight, I was thinking back on the times I have braved the winter elements just to get pictures of these majestic creatures.

On the day this image was taken, March 1, 2014, we did get a little shot of snow during the morning hours as you can see. More than that though, was the cold and wind: 13 degrees at the time the picture was snapped with wind that put wind chills below zero and limited visibility.

Despite the conditions, my assistant (my trooper of a daughter) and I trudged a good ways through an open field to get a look at a pair of eagles. The female was wisely hunkered down in a tree, trying her best to stay out of the elements.

Despite clearly being drenched, the male almost seemed to relish the snow and cold. He appeared to hunt for a while then just circled around finally giving us one, nice flyby. We too were drenched and extremely cold when we were done but it was quite worth it.

A male Bald Eagle flies through a snowstorm in northeastern Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A male Bald Eagle flies through a snowstorm in northeastern Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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