Bull elk fills the valley with the sounds of fall

Bull elk fills the valley with the sounds of fall
A bull elk bugles toward his harem in Moraine Park. (© Tony’s Takes)

The bugling sound of an elk bull is unmistakable and oftentimes hear in the Colorado high country. Such was the case on this morning as one of the ‘top guns’ in Rocky Mountain National Park rounded up his harem.

He had quite an impressive group, probably 40 or so cows, and a few had begun to wander. That, of course, would not do, and he set off in pursuit of them across the valley. The big guy cut them off, let loose with a guttural bugle heard far and wide, and the cows quickly returned to where he wanted them.

It was a neat scene with low fog just above the valley floor, obscuring the tops of the mountains and the elk dotting the grasses below.

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