This was a fun and surprise encounter! We have a family of Cooper’s hawks in our neighborhood but getting pics of them has been very elusive. I see them somewhat frequently but rarely where I can get a shot.
Yesterday morning, while my wife and I were enjoying coffee on the patio, one did a close flyby. Of course, I didn’t have my camera ready.
Later in the morning, I ran a quick errand and as I was coming back, one flew right in front of my truck and landed in a nearby tree. I ran home, grabbed my camera, and upon returning found the hawk was not in the tree but instead taking a bath in some standing water in the gutter! Even better was that it didn’t mind me being right across the street from it and for 15 minutes I photographed it.
Certainly I would prefer a more natural setting but I won’t complain as these guys are just crazy cool with that beautiful plumage and those orange eyes.
Cooper’s have become well adapted to life in the city and it isn’t uncommon at all to find them in suburbia. They do prefer to stay well-hidden within trees so they aren’t often seen but they are there, watching, oftentimes preying on smaller birds.