Elk cows stand on their hind legs and battle each other. (© Tony's Takes)
Elk cows stand on their hind legs and battle each other. (© Tony’s Takes)

This was a fun bit of action to capture. Certainly, the bulls draw most of the attention this time of year but two of the cows in this herd deserved some captures too.

I am not too sure what these two were fighting over but they were not happy with each other. Multiple times they reared up and swatted their hooves at the other, oftentimes connecting with their blows hard enough that I could hear it. In fact, if you look close, you can see they both appear to have cuts under their eyes, I presume from being struck by their opponent’s hoof.

I would not want to be on the receiving end of one of those blows!

Elk cows stand on their hind legs and battle each other. (© Tony's Takes)
Elk cows stand on their hind legs and battle each other. (© Tony’s Takes)
Elk cows stand on their hind legs and battle each other. (© Tony's Takes)
Elk cows stand on their hind legs and battle each other. (© Tony’s Takes)
Elk cows stand up and battle
Elk cows stand on their hind legs and battle each other. (© Tony’s Takes)
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