I would normally call this #FreedomFriday but perhaps with this image it should be #FoodFightFriday!
Absolutely a ton of fun this past weekend photographing more than a half dozen young bald eagles as they gathered at a lake that was just thawing out. By far the best was when one snagged a fish and three others immediately set off in pursuit, trying to steal the meal.
Unfortunately for them, in the end, all came away empty handed. One eagle managed to knock the fish free but the two were then left to just watch it fall back into the water. The fish ended up being the proverbial one that got away. I’ve seen this happen many, many times but never as close as it was this time.
Scenes like this with eagles always crack me up. If they would spend half as much energy catching their own fish as they do trying to steal from other eagles, they would dine like kings.