Normally I would save this image for Fox Friday but I just couldn’t wait to share this capture from yesterday.
As I have mentioned previously, I just haven’t had much luck with finding any fox dens locally. So, yesterday I headed to the Colorado high country to check out a den from last year. While I did find foxes there, my best luck came via a tip from a friend not far from there.
I spent most of the morning at that second spot with a handsome pair of mated foxes and their six kits. The little ones were just so darned tiny and cute.
This was probably one of their first times venturing out into the world and they made the most of it by bounding around, wrestling and investigating everything. They didn’t sit often and rarely were more than a couple together at a time but at one point I managed a few fleeting shots of four together.
The entire encounter was just awesome and had me grinning and giggling the entire time. So much fun!
As before, if you do happen to know of any fox dens in northern Colorado, I would appreciate the tip greatly!