Golden eagle launches into the air

Golden eagle launches into the air
A golden eagle takes to the skies in Boulder County, Colorado. (Tony’s Takes)

Scrolling through some older pictures I came across this pic from this past February so I’ll throw it out there for #TBT.

I had forgotten about the encounter, perhaps because I came away quite disappointed in the image series and blocked it out of my memory. Haha.

Mother Nature had blessed me that morning with an absolutely prime opportunity as this golden eagle sat on a dirt hill right next to the road. Given the rarity of these huge birds, I was excited. It was initially facing the other direction but, much to my surprise, it actually turned and faced me. I couldn’t believe my luck! I was in the perfect position to capture what was sure to be an epic launch.

In my excitement, however, I failed to verify my camera’s settings and had the shutter speed way too slow to capture a fast-moving raptor. When it took off, I ended up with 25 perfectly framed images of a beautiful golden eagle – 24 of which were blurry. This is the only one that came out worth sharing and, even then, I hesitate as it isn’t as sharp as I would like. It does however make for a fun (and frustrating) story and shows that all of us can screw up a great opportunity.

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