Golden eagle shows off how its species got its name
Closeup view of a golden eagle showing off its golden nape. (© Tony’s Takes)

It had been far too long since I had seen one of these absolutely impressive raptors, probably about a year. This weekend I was fortunate enough to see one both Saturday and Sunday.

This is the one from Saturday and it proved to be quite a willing photo subject, giving me tons of poses. Normally I wouldn’t care for a shot from the back of the subject but in this case, I think it really is kind of neat. You get a look at that beautiful, golden nape (back of its neck) – just stunning.

The sun does a nice job lighting up those beautiful, dark, brown eyes as well. As you well know, I love my bald eagles but goldens, well, I think due to their even bigger size and greater rarity are perhaps just a touch more special.

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