Golden eagle takes flight

Golden eagle takes flight
A golden eagle takes to the skies of eastern Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

Wow. Simply wow. After this encounter I had to pinch myself to be sure I wasn’t dreaming!

On Saturday I headed to a spot on the northeastern Colorado plains hoping to catch a gathering of bald eagles. Well, not many baldies were there and those that were didn’t want to play. Moving on to plan B, I started covering some rural dirt roads, thinking maybe I would find something interesting to photograph. Indeed, I did!

I spotted this eagle sitting on a pole and as it wasn’t far from a lake, I figured it was just a juvenile bald eagle. I approached slowly and once relatively close, took a closer look with my camera. A golden! Now that made the long drive worth it.

I ended up getting some fantastic shots of it, including this one that is probably my favorite golden eagle pic that I have ever taken. You get a fantastic look at this huge raptor including the golden mane that it gets its name from and those massive, deadly talons. Yup, this capture will be on my wall for sure.

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