Here, kitty, kitty, kitty!
A female bobcat hangs out on a suburban driveway in Douglas County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A female bobcat hangs out on a suburban driveway in Douglas County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

In all my years on this Earth and all the time I have spent outdoors with wildlife, I have only once ever seen a wild cat and that was when I was 12 years old. Seeing one and getting pictures is a major goal of mine that has been elusive and, quite frankly, unavailable – until this past weekend.

A friend told me about a bobcat family that had taken up residence in a suburban neighborhood and I simply had to go try for myself. We circled the area for a half hour when out of nowhere, mama bobcat appeared, sitting on a driveway. She gave us a few pictures then made a call.

Along came not one, not two, not three but four kittens, emerging from a home’s yard. She and the kittens wandered around and explored for only five minutes before retreating back to safety under a resident’s deck.

It was nothing short of thrilling and the kittens, my goodness, they were just so darned cute! Light was horrible as it was right at sunrise and heavily overcast so my pictures came out pretty poor and none are print-worthy but it was one heck of an experience!

Taken in Douglas County, Colorado.

A bobcat kitten keeps watch from a pile of snow. (© Tony’s Takes)
A bobcat kitten keeps watch from a pile of snow. (© Tony’s Takes)
A female bobcat and one of her kittens keeping watch. (© Tony’s Takes)
A female bobcat and one of her kittens keeping watch. (© Tony’s Takes)
Bobcat kittens keep close watch from a driveway. (© Tony’s Takes)
Bobcat kittens keep close watch from a driveway. (© Tony’s Takes)
A female bobcat keeps watch on her kittens. (© Tony’s Takes)
A female bobcat keeps watch on her kittens. (© Tony’s Takes)

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