How many bald eagles?

How many bald eagles?
A massive gathering of bald eagles in Colorado as they begin their migration north. (© Tony’s Takes)

I counted 55 between those on the ice and a few in the air. I have been sitting on this image for several months. As I often do, I don’t share images right away to protect the wildlife I capture pics of and that was the case here.

I had discovered this spot where eagles had begun to gather as they started their migration north. A small opening in the ice provided them with a prime fishing opportunity and it appeared any and all flying over were stopping and taking advantage of it. In addition to those on the ice, there were 30+ in the trees not far away.

This was by far the most bald eagles I have ever seen in one location and while most kept their distance preventing good pics, I was pretty danged excited at the scene. What an amazing testament to the turnaround bald eagles have enjoyed after being nearly extinct not so long ago. Thank goodness we realized the folly of our ways and took steps to ensure their survival.

Another reason to celebrate #FreedomFriday!

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