Hummingbirds in suburbia
A hummingbird visits a suburban backyard. (© Tony’s Takes)

It took a few years but my wife’s hard work has resulted in us having a bit of a backyard oasis. With a tremendous amount of variety of flowers and some small water features, it is a great place to enjoy nature while in the middle of suburbia. The critters have taken note over the years with all types of insects, birds and other creatures enjoying the greenery.

We have not been able to get a steady stream of hummingbirds but do occasionally see them, mainly in the late summer as they fuel up for their migration south. Recently, a few have been visiting our zauschneria, a plant a master gardener we consulted with referred to as “hummingbird crack.”

On a recent evening while sitting outside enjoying an adult beverage after a hard day of work, I snapped some pics of one of the visitors. I was a good ways away and they were backlit but it was still fun to see them enjoying the fruits of my wife’s labor.

A hummingbird visits a suburban backyard. (© Tony's Takes)
A hummingbird visits a suburban backyard. (© Tony’s Takes)
A hummingbird visits a suburban backyard. (© Tony's Takes)
A hummingbird visits a suburban backyard. (© Tony’s Takes)
A hummingbird visits a suburban backyard. (© Tony's Takes)
A hummingbird visits a suburban backyard. (© Tony’s Takes)
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