Finally! I knew for years these cool owls wintered at a spot in northeastern Colorado but had never had any luck finding them. That changed yesterday!
A friend provided me some tips to help narrow down the search area that helped greatly. The owls definitely didn’t make it easy on me though as I had to work my way through some very dense brush, much of which was pokey Russian olive trees.
Once well inside the stand of trees and bushes though, I started to see the long-eared owls and there had to have been at least a half dozen of them. Of course spotting them and being able to get a picture are two very different things.
These guys are notorious for their ability to hide. I spent an hour and a half trying and came away only with a few decent shots, none of which gave a truly clear look at them. Nevertheless, given that this is only the third or fourth time I have ever seen any at all, I came away pretty pleased.