Mama hunkered down on the nest

Mama hunkered down on the nest
A female bald eagle is barely visible above the rim of her nest. (© Tony’s Takes)

As regular viewers of my page know, I oftentimes share less than great pics because of the story behind them. Clearly that is the case with this cruddy one. 😀

My friend and I spent two and a half hours at my favorite bald eagle nest yesterday morning, growing more and more concerned. There was no sign of mom and dad was content to hang out about a quarter mile away, watching from a distance. We finally gave up and decided to head out a different direction, looking back as went but still not seeing her.

On our return we kept watch and from a long way away, thought maybe, just perhaps, we were finally seeing something in the nest. Sure enough, there was just a bit of her white head and her yellow beak! It only appeared briefly but she was indeed in the nest, presumably still incubating. Thank goodness!

Those eggs should be hatching this week and if all goes well, activity at the nest will pick up as they work to feed the little ones. It is clear that this year, they have built up the “front” of the nest preventing a view into it and the nest bowl is on the back side. That will certainly prove limiting and might prevent getting a look at the bobbleheads for a few weeks until they get bigger. That is frustrating but I am glad that for now, all appears to be okay.

The second picture is dad, from his perch south of the nest. He was quite content to hang out over the trail, watching the walkers and bikers go by.

A male bald eagle keeps watch from an area near his and his mate's nest. (© Tony's Takes)
A male bald eagle keeps watch from an area near his and his mate’s nest. (© Tony’s Takes)
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