Well, this was an insanely fun encounter. My trip to the foothills Saturday was primarily to photograph the bighorn sheep. However, the focus quickly shifted from the biggest animal in the area to one of the smallest.
A passerby saw the mink and a couple of photo friends were trying to spot it. After a short while, we did and it went on to put on a heck of a show for the next half hour. It scampered up the river a good ways to a spot with rocks in the river. From there, it caught a brown trout and then ran into the grass on the other side of the river.
We thought the show was over but then it returned a few minutes later, without the fish, and continued to give us some cool captures. Its other fishing expeditions weren’t successful and much to our surprise, it ran back into the grass and returned with the previously caught fish, giving this pose before it finally headed off to dine in private.
Lots of fun and one that allows us to call this #MinkMonday.