Perhaps, at least for this image, it is highly appropriate that female Mountain Goats are called ‘nannies.’ This pretty lady was providing a bit of high country babysitting this past weekend keeping watch over three kids while the other adults grazed. Thankfully for her, they were all pretty well behaved and quite content to lounge around enjoying the chilly weather.
When I was choosing my photo destinations for this past weekend, there was one that was at the top of the list – Mount Evans. The road to the top is the highest paved road in North America and due to the extreme weather it sees at over 14,000 feet in altitude, it is only open from around Memorial Day to Labor Day. With the seasonal closing only two days away, I knew this is where I needed to go as I wanted to have one more chance to spend with these cool creatures.
Arriving at the top at sunrise I was dismayed that the herd was not there and nowhere to be seen. I waited for over an hour with no luck, finally decided to head down a ways to see if perhaps they were at a lower spot and indeed they were, hanging out a few hundred feet below the road’s summit.