Mountain goat kid takes a flying leap

Mountain goat kid takes a flying leap

A mountain goat kid leaps between boulders on Mount Evans in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A mountain goat kid leaps between boulders on Mount Evans in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

In terms of just ‘fun wildlife viewing’, it is hard to beat mountain goat kids. Their antics provide an abundance of smiles and entertainment and let’s face it, they are simply adorable.

When the herd shows up at the top of Mount Evans in the mornings, there is little doubt who are the stars of the show. Tourists and photographers quickly focus their attention on them and the little ones seem to relish all the attention.

On this morning back in July they seemed particularly rambunctious as they bounded around, jumped from rock to rock and play fought each other. Despite being one of the smallest kids, this one was not about to be shown up by the slightly older ones. Here. It takes a bit of a leap between boulders, showcasing how even at a very young age, mountain goats are extremely agile.

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