North America’s smallest falcon takes flight for a face-to-face encounter

North America’s smallest falcon takes flight for a face-to-face encounter
A female American kestrel flies head on in Thornton, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

Here she comes! A female American kestrel flies overhead, focused on the photographer. A truly fun encounter with this pretty lady.

On my walk Friday through an area open space, I heard her distinctive, high-pitched call. After a brief search, I spotted her high in a tree, presumably calling to her mate. I never did see him but she put on a heck of a show as she flew from tree to tree, constantly calling.

Here, during her move from one perch to another, she had her wings tucked back and made eye contact with me. Awesome!

There has been a pair of kestrels at this open space for a few years now. I have never had any luck finding their nest though.

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