Sandhill cranes hanging out in Yellowstone National Park
A pair of sandhill cranes hangs out in Yellowstone National Park. (© Tony’s Takes)

Kind of a fun find in Yellowstone last week. My wife wanted to sleep in a bit so I ventured out at sunrise to see what I could find on my own. As I was watching some elk, I spotted two unusually shaped, big figures nearby.

Training my lens on them and zooming in I was happy to find they were a pair of sandhill cranes. Five minutes later as I continued on, I spotted two more, closer.

I normally only see these guys when they migrate in the spring and fall through the skies of Colorado, only rarely getting the opportunity to photograph them on the ground so I enjoyed the chance to see them.

A pair of sandhill cranes hangs out in Yellowstone National Park. (© Tony's Takes)
A pair of sandhill cranes hangs out in Yellowstone National Park. (© Tony’s Takes)

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