I had heard rumors and even saw a few pictures over the last couple of months of a Burrowing Owl that apparently failed to head south for the season. While I drive by the spot regularly on my wildlife outings, I had yet to see it myself – until today.

A friend (thanks, Bill!) tipped me off that he had spotted it this morning so after work I gave it a shot and sure enough, the little guy was out and about. Thick cloud cover required high ISOs and thus grainy pictures but not too bad of a series. Taken in Adams County, Colorado.

Scroll down for the complete series of images.

This watchful Burrowing Owl spent the winter of the plains of Colorado rather than heading south for the winter. (© Tony’s Takes)
This watchful Burrowing Owl spent the winter of the plains of Colorado rather than heading south for the winter. (© Tony’s Takes)

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