Our first day in Yellowstone National Park last week provided some heart-pounding action. Arriving in the afternoon we only had time for a quick drive and checked out the west side of the park along the Madison River. We were happy to find a Bison herd farther west than we had seen them in the past.
Soon though, a drama unfolded as four calves had become separated from the herd and were on the opposite side of the river. A wet winter and spring had the river running very fast and very full. The calves ran back and forth along the river’s edge before finally making the plunge.
They struggled mightily against the fast-moving current and those of us watching couldn’t help but feel scared for them. With lumps in our throats we cheered then on and thankfully, all four made it across and were reunited with their very happy mothers.
Scroll down to view the complete series of images. To purchase my imagery of the great Bison, click here.