Young great horned owl on the fence about having its picture taken
A great horned owl sits on a fence in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

This past Sunday was International Owl Awareness Day, something I was not aware of. However, as it would happen, guess what my main photo subject of the day was?

As I had a lot to do that day, I knew I wanted to stick close to home for my photo excursion so I headed to an area open space and just started walking. I noticed something with big, broad wings flying near one area so I headed that way and sure enough, this beautiful owl was there waiting for me. As it turned out, there were three owls right in the area, likely all born this year and fledged this spring.

I had always suspected there were owls in the area but had never seen them so it was nice to have this confirmation. All three would go on to give me some great pics making for a nice, easy, local outing.

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