Young Bison samples the fresh snow
Human children have great fun running around with their tongues hanging out trying to catch snowflakes as they fall. For this young Bison, it was easier just to sample the…
Human children have great fun running around with their tongues hanging out trying to catch snowflakes as they fall. For this young Bison, it was easier just to sample the…
I almost forgot Moose Monday! Here's a capture I don't share for any great creative content but only because I find it amusing. Taken back at the end of August…
One last recap video of some of my captures from 2016. Anyone who knows me well knows that there is one animal that I love to photograph and observe more…
We share this planet with so many amazing creatures, some of which I have had the privilege of capturing on 'film' over the past year. This is a look back…
Well, another year is just about in the books and for me, wow, it was quite an amazing one in terms of photography. I was able to capture beautiful scenes…
A Bald Eagle tucks its wings back and heads for the deck at high speed before pulling up at low altitude and heading off into the distance. A pretty dramatic…