Two-week old Bison calf experiences first snow, arctic outbreak
What a welcome to the world this little guy / gal received. Soon after being born, Colorado was hit with a blast of cold weather that sent temperatures plunging to…
What a welcome to the world this little guy / gal received. Soon after being born, Colorado was hit with a blast of cold weather that sent temperatures plunging to…
From one of my favorite wildlife events - the annual Elk rut in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. With the changing of the seasons, fall also brings on mating season…
So darned cute! This young one was as interested in me as I was in it last month in Waterton Canyon southwest of Denver. This image gives you a good…
Had a lot of fun visiting with this pair of eagles yesterday. Quite animated and entertaining. Here they seem to be showing off for the camera. ;-) Have a great weekend,…
I took a day off yesterday and of course used the opportunity to head out and take some pictures. The first few hours were pretty bleak with few captures on…
Here's one for #TBT going back to August 31, 2014. As the rut approached, the #Moose bulls were getting more aggressive and working hard to shed their velvet. This was…