Persian Gulf sunrise aboard the USS Carl Vinson
One for Throwback Thursday. Taken in August 1996 while in the Persian Gulf conducting Operation Desert Strike. The ‘island’ of the massive aircraft carrier and F/A-18 Hornet and EA-6B Prowler…
One for Throwback Thursday. Taken in August 1996 while in the Persian Gulf conducting Operation Desert Strike. The ‘island’ of the massive aircraft carrier and F/A-18 Hornet and EA-6B Prowler…
Taken at Rocky Mountain Arsenal Wildlife Refuge back in July. This doe was leading her fawn through the grass but the young one really seemed to want to stop and…
'Ooh! This looks yummy!' A bull moose at Brainard Lake, Colorado looks rather pleased with his breakfast. Taken from the relative safety of my truck, getting this image was quite…
One benefit of going to 12,183 feet in altitude is the skies get clear, the blues bluer and the #moon clearer. Taken this past Saturday atop Trail Ridge Road in…
“Really? Pictures while I am eating breakfast?” This handsome bull elk was munching on some grass in Rocky Mountain National Park this past Saturday. Without a harem along, he was…
I haven't been able to visit with the nearby eagle's nest as they haven't been around much since their eaglet passed away last month. This morning though Dad was hanging…