Saturday photo shoot turns into a veritable hawk fest
My usual Saturday morning wildlife viewing started out quite slow. A drive through the Rocky Mountain Arsenal yielded little more than a curious deer but after heading north and east,…
My usual Saturday morning wildlife viewing started out quite slow. A drive through the Rocky Mountain Arsenal yielded little more than a curious deer but after heading north and east,…
Hawks have become quite plentiful along the Colorado Front Range this spring as they return from their winter grounds. Today was a veritable hawk fast out near Denver International Airport.…
This image, ‘wild light’, was taken at sunset near Loveland, Colorado. As always the colors were absolutely stunning as the sun went down behind the Rocky Mountains. What is equally…
Severe weather struck northeastern Colorado, a common occurrence this time of year. Heavy rain, hail and tornadoes routinely pay visits, particularly during the months of May and June. This storm cell…
Taken this past Saturday in Rocky Mountain National Park from a spot on Trail Ridge Road. The monstrous lenticular cloud was hovering over 14,259' tall Longs Peak. The mountain is…
Getting wildlife to cooperate to get the ‘perfect shot’ is a losing battle. I was reminded of this lesson while taking pictures of elk in Rocky Mountain National Park yesterday.…