Snowy egret has a bad hair day
I know I wake up with “bed head” but this egret, goodness. :-D This beautiful bird was hanging out along the South Platte River recently and put on a nice…
I know I wake up with “bed head” but this egret, goodness. :-D This beautiful bird was hanging out along the South Platte River recently and put on a nice…
A handsome elk bull bugles toward a cow for Wapiti Wednesday. I don’t know for sure but I don’t expect yelling at a perspective mate is the way to win…
The change of seasons is upon us with the autumnal equinox and fall having arrived this morning. Here in Colorado, we are hoping for a break from the unseasonably warm…
My favorite high-country flower and one of my favorite forms of wildlife for Moose Monday. Taken early last month on a photo outing with my daughter. We left camp as…
It's not trespassing if you don't touch the ground, right? ;-) The neighborhood fox squirrels oftentimes come by, looking for leftovers that have fallen below our bird feeders. They are…
This was a fun and surprise encounter! We have a family of Cooper’s hawks in our neighborhood but getting pics of them has been very elusive. I see them somewhat…