The gray ghost moves in for a roadkill meal
Sometimes getting a meal is easier than others. Normally you will find Northern Harriers patrolling drainages, listening and watching for some unsuspecting rodent to make a meal of. They will…
Sometimes getting a meal is easier than others. Normally you will find Northern Harriers patrolling drainages, listening and watching for some unsuspecting rodent to make a meal of. They will…
I really wanted to pet this cute pup but decided I better not. ;-) An absolutely crazy fun encounter with this handsome fellow this past weekend. I thought my photo…
Looks like some good eatin’, eh? ;-) When I share images of this awesome bird, I always say that despite its stature as North America’s smallest falcon, it is just…
One of my favorite wintertime visitors. During the summer, these raptors hang out on the arctic tundra. Winter sees them migrate south where they can be seen across much of…
Focused fox. Yeah, I am pretty much sure I was spotted. ;-) Jumping back to October for this image for #FoxFriday. I had been stealthily following this fox as it…
For #TBT, a fun pic from this past February that I haven’t shared. This coyote was out on patrol across the snow-covered plains, looking for a meal. While it had…