Mama bald eagle defends her home and young ones
Not a high-quality capture but one that showcases some pretty darned cool behavior. Taken a few weeks ago at my favorite bald eagle nest. As I was observing mama and…
Not a high-quality capture but one that showcases some pretty darned cool behavior. Taken a few weeks ago at my favorite bald eagle nest. As I was observing mama and…
A fresh one for Fox Friday. It has been months since I have had a fox sighting but finally this past weekend I was able to spend a few, fleeting…
Yeah, if you are the fish immediately below this, you are about to have a really, really bad day. :-D This past weekend I spent some time photographing these awesome…
Yeah, I don’t expect too many would challenge this guy for his spot as king of the hill – I know I wouldn’t. ;-) Going back to the end of…
So stinking cute! I went and checked on one of my local great horned owl spots and finally got a good look at the little ones. Initially only one owlet…
Yesterday I spent some time at a northern Colorado lake enjoying the crisp morning and a notable lack of wind (folks on the Front Range know how welcome this was).…