Dramatic skies over the snow-capped Tetons

You might think this is a current picture given the weather conditions that seem to be taking place but in fact was taken last June. It was late spring but following a winter that saw extraordinary amounts of snow, there was still plenty of the white stuff up at altitude. In fact, just two days prior to this picture being taken we had woken up to falling snow just north of this spot in Yellowstone.

The Rocky Mountains are impressive just about anywhere but, in the Tetons, the peaks are just a step above most of the rest. They are a lot rougher and more jagged than most of the mountains here in the Colorado and to me, just look really darned cool.

Dramatic clouds shroud the snow covered Tetons in Wyoming. (© Tony’s Takes)
Dramatic clouds shroud the snow covered Tetons in Wyoming. (© Tony’s Takes)

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