Oxbow Bend reflections

One for #TBT. Taken in July 2014 at the famous Oxbow Bend in Grand Teton National Park. There is a reason this is a famous spot for pictures as when the wind is calm, the waters of the Snake River perfectly reflect the majestic #mountains.

On this trip it took three sunrise trips to get conditions that were acceptable. Smoke from area wildfires created a nasty haze on the first two. Unfortunately some still lingered on this morning but not bad enough to prevent a half way decent capture.

I haven’t been back to the park since then and looking at my pictures from the trip has me anxious to return.

The Grand Tetons are reflected in the waters of the Snake River at Oxbow Bend. (© Tony’s Takes)
The Grand Tetons are reflected in the waters of the Snake River at Oxbow Bend. (© Tony’s Takes)

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