Comet NEOWISE makes an appearance in the early morning sky
Closeup of Comet NEOWISE in the skies over Adams County, Colorado. (Tony’s Takes)

Well, now this is way cool and the first time I have photographed a comet!

I heard about this visitor from interstellar space recently and knew I had to try to get pics. Best of all, it is visible right when I am heading to work so the timing was convenient.

I found a spot on high and began scanning the northeastern sky. To the naked eye, the comet is pretty dim and I struggled to see it initially but, once found, it became kind of obvious.

Discovered on March 27th by the NEOWISE space telescope, the comet has continued to increase in brightness, becoming visible to the naked eye from Earth last week.

If you want to check it out, you can see it in the pre-dawn hours for the next couple of days. It will then disappear below the horizon and reappear in the evening sky mid-month. You likely will want binoculars or a camera with a zoom lens to really get a good look.

Comet NEOWISE over Thornton, Colorado. (Tony's Takes)
Comet NEOWISE over Thornton, Colorado. (Tony’s Takes)

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